Falmouth Bay Test Site (FaBTest) | Falmouth Bay Test Site (FaBTest)

Falmouth Bay Test Site (FaBTest)
Falmouth Bay Test Site (FaBTest)
Lead Organisation University of Exeter
Country UK
Type Wave, Tidal, OTEC, Current, Floating Wind, Other
Website http://www.fabtest.com
  • Type of Testing Wave, Tidal, OTEC, Current, Floating Wind, Other
    Year Established 2010
    Temperate/Tropical Temperate
    Commercial/Array/Full scale/Scale Scale
    Development Status Operational


    FaBTest is an award-winning, pre-consented, nursery demonstration area situated within Falmouth harbour, between three and five kilometres offshore in Falmouth Bay. The site is sheltered from the prevailing wind and swell direction, enabling high levels of accessibility, yet giving exposure to significant sea states from the East and South-East. The site provides continuous real-time (2010-2021) wave measurement data to developers.
  • Number of Berths 3
    Water Depth 20-50m
    Min Water Depth (m) 20
    Max Water Depth (m) 50
    Avg Water Depth (m)
    Annual mean significant wave height 0.9m
    Maximum recorded wave height 9.6m
    Mean (averaged current speed) 0.2 m/s
    Maximum current speed 1.4 m/s
    Maximum tidal range 5.5 m
    Mean wind speed 8 m/s
    Max wind speed 26.5 m/s
    Seabed type Rock, gravel and sand
    Total test area (km2) 2.8
    Distance to land 3-5 km
    Grid connected N
    Grid connection capacity
    Rated export capacity and connection
    Proximity to nearest harbour (km) 3-5 km
  • Demonstration Projects


    Communications: WiFi connectivity, IT and comms support for VHF, 5G, 4G, 3G and WiFi. Support from University of Exeter and Falmouth Harbour Commissioners, with expertise in moorings, seafastening, navigational risk, reliability, operations and maintenance.

    Equipment available to support site deployments

    Wave and current resource characterisation capability: Fugro Seawatch Wave Buoy, Datawell WaveRider Wave Buoy, Workhorse Sentinel Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers, SWAN Wave Model for South West region.

    Services of test programmes offered on site

    Pre-consented site: 8 week permitting process. Environmental monitoring

    Key supply chain companies in the region

    • Seawide Services
    • Keynvor Morlift
    • A&P Falmouth